Wednesday, 27 November 2019

Website analysis - Entertainment weekly

  • the website for Entertainment Weekly has links to different pages that are focused on different areas such as; TV, movies, music, books, theatre, podcasts and gaming. This helps the audience to easily find what they’re looking for and keeps the website organised and easy to navigate. Also, this means that people who are only interested in certain topics don’t have to scroll past content that they’re not interested in.
  • the website uses different fonts, this means that it is not repetitive as everything doesn’t look the same, they use different fonts for headings and titles of articles so that they stand out, this is what grabs the attention of the audience and makes them want to read an article therefore the titles need to stand out against the rest of the page.
  • On the homepage there are a variety of popular stories, these focus on things that are popular and well known, this is so it appeals to the biggest possible audience as more people will be familiar with what it is about.
  • The headings on the home page are different, there are articles that focus on reviews, recent events (such as award shows) and the featured stories.
  • The main heading ‘Entertainment weekly’ is in the same colour that is commonly used for the masthead on the magazines. This makes the website and magazines consistent and makes the brand recognisable. The website also uses a green colour to make headings such as ‘what to watch’ and ‘latest news’ stand out, this also gives the overall website more colour which stops it from being boring. The use of these bright colours may help the website appeal more to younger people.
  • On the home page the more important/popular stories are bigger and down the left side there are a selection of stories that are much smaller, these are likely to appeal to as many people as the ones that are bigger however they still focus on fairly well known topics.
  • All the images used on the website link to the stories, they likely make it easier for6 the audience to see what they’re looking for as they may see actors or characters from a tv show they like, for example.
  • Companies like this have websites so they can keep up with technological changes, less people buy magazines now due to the internet and social media, so these websites help to keep the audience engaged, the website gives you the option to subscribe this allows the website to still make a profit. Subscribing allows you to access more content and articles than before.
  • At the bottom of the website there is links to the social media pages, this makes it easy for people to find these pages and follow them. Entertainment Weekly’s Instagram has 1.6 Million followers, the facebook page has 4.5 Million likes and their twitter has 6.6 Million followers. Having social media pages help to gain the attention of a younger audience.

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